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I specialize in touch and talk modalities of:


  • Massage Therapy

  • Maya Abdominal Therapy/ Arvigo ®  Technique

  • Somatic Experiencing ® (SE)


All my work is tailored to your individual needs and based on your own unique medical history, your goals, desires and intentions.


Through our work together we can unlock:


  • freedom from pain

  • better sleep and digestion

  • greater flexibility and freedom

  • overall well being

  • better connection to your own body

  • a greater sense of hope

  • a feeling of belonging

​"It takes one to stand in the dark alone, It takes two to let the light shine through."

- Motown song

What to expect:


Your first visit includes a consultation. We will discuss our work together that may include our goals, intentions, treatment plan and some self care recommendations.

I also offer a free 20 minute telephone, text or telehealth consultation before your visit.

Some treatment goals can be reached quite easily with just a single session or a few sessions. Others benefit from an ongoing treatment. You are the best judge what is the best for you.


Subsequent sessions are always an ongoing dialogue, reevaluation and support. 


First session includes intake process and a hands on treatment. Duration- 2 hours and the price is $200.

Subsequent sessions are 90 minutes and the price is $180.

(office pricing only)


I  offer a very limited amount of sessions in your home. 

If this offering  works the best for you please contact me and we will discuss the details.


Contact me for more information about Somatic Experiencing ® (SE) telehealth sessions.



Maya Abdominal Therapy/ Arvigo ® Technique

 Maya Abdominal Therapy/Arvigo ® technique   is an external abdominal massage technique that facilitates and supports organs finding their optimal position in the body. The technique has a foundation in ancient Maya medicine and was further developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo. This hands-on technique is rooted in trust of our body's wisdom. It works complimentary with herbs/ tinctures and nutrition for a holistic approach in spiritual

Arvigo® Therapy is best known for addressing misalignment in the reproductive and digestive organs. The techniques effectively alleviate physical and emotional congestion to improve the flow of energy, blood, lymph and nerves in the abdomen that has an effect on the whole body.. Clients are instructed in self care techniques to enhance and support the healing process.


Arvigo® Maya Abdominal Therapy is beneficial for:

  • PMS symptoms

  • Painful and/or irregular menses or ovulation

  • Fibroids

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Endometriosis

  • Perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms

  • Displaced or prolapsed uterus

  • Fertility challenges

  • Pre-natal and post-partum care

  • Prostate swelling and inflammation

  • Chronic indigestion/heartburn

  • Gastritis​​

  • Constipation or diarrhea

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Colitis

  • Crohn's disease

  • Frequent or painful urination

  • Incontinence

  • Abdominal pain and scarring

A Session

  • Comprehensive review of your personal health history and current health care needs.

  • Abdominal massage focused on aligning reproductive and abdominal organs.

  • Evaluation and application of structural alignment of spine with attention to the sacrum, lumbar and thoracic spine.

  • Instruction in Self Care Home techniques to enhance your professional treatment session.

  • Recommendation of complementary modalities:

    • Herbal remedies

    • Castor oil packs

    • Faja (organ support wrap)

    • Bajos (traditional vaginal steam bath of the Mayas - pronounced ba-hos)

    • Nutritional and or lifestyle education and adaptations


The Arvigo Techniques of  Maya Abdominal Therapy® are safe and effective with few contraindications of untoward outcomes. There are certain conditions where application of these techniques are either contraindicated or require modification. Please notify me if you have any questions, or if you are interested in therapy while having any of the following:

  • During active menstruation

  • IUD (intra-uterine device for contraception) is present

  • Immediately after abdominal surgery

  • Active infection or cancer present in pelvic area, or while undergoing  chemotherapy

  • During the first trimester (19 weeks) of pregnancy (modification)

  • Hiatal Hernia (gentle massage required)

  • Active and acute infection

  • Abdominal Aneurysm

  • Diastasis Rectus

  • Pessary for uterine prolapse (remove prior to your session)

  • Any serious health condition that causes you concern


​Initial visit for Maya Abdominal Therapy is about 2 hours long ( $200) follow up visits are 90 minutes ($180).


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